
TrueSight Ranch - Sep 9 & 10 2004

A building with a roof that is being built.

At the end of Day 1, the cabin was completely sheathed, the front door was hung, the ridgeboard was braced up and several rafters installed.

All of the exterior sheathing put up in April had to be removed and re-installed, and the doorway had to be recreated in order to hold a jamb for the front door donated by Barrett Construction.

A house with some windows and a roof that is being built.
View of front and side from SE (approximate location of the outhouse)
A building being built with some wood on the side.
View of front and other side from NE
A hole in the ground with water leaking out.
Cindy's (infamous) outhouse pit at the end of Day 1
A house that is being built in the dirt.
Back of the cabin (W)
A wooden structure with sky in the background.
Looking through the rafters

We had the roof of the sky for our shelter that night!